1:02 AM

To B or not to B


To blog or not?...This question has been haunting me for some time now. Normally I wouldn’t give it much thought and continue to post. But a few weeks ago I saw a colleague reading my blog in office. Since I had posted a few things related to people and situation at work, I was a lil uncomfortable. I withdrew some of the posts that could raise eyebrows. Had he read it, I’m sure he wouldn’t have bothered about it, but why take the risk at all. Call it a disadvantage of using the real identity instead of an anonymous one.

The last post of mine was over a fortnight ago. After that I have written a couple of things but decided not to publish them. They’re sitting in as drafts. Some of ‘em are controversial or may be deemed inappropriate. I’m torn between posting them and keeping them unpublished. But do I really need to publish my blogs?

I saw the statistics of my blog and it’s confirmed that I’ve been visiting my blog more than anybody else. I guess I unnecessarily make blogging a big deal. Once a blog is posted I read it, re-read it and change it if I come up with something better. It’s like I’m my own critic. (My dad doesn’t know the blog address yet. If not I’d have had nightmares!) Some part of me wants others to read what I write, but another part is concerned about who will read what I post.

Deciding to stop blogging would be the simplest of solutions, but that’s no good. So in the given circumstance, I can either change my blog address to something that doesn’t have my name in it. (anything that has ajitdb on the internet is mine. I just wanted it to continue on blogger too) or migrate to wordpress or blogdrive, which is quite messy.

I find the editor on wordpress more convenient than that on blogger and of course the password protection option helps too. But I feel that the whole idea of blogging is destroyed if one posts something and denies people from reading it. It is as good as not publishing it at all! Well, it’s upto the owner to choose what to do. Blogdrive is too fancy for my taste. Blogger is just about perfect. Simple user interface with an option to complicate things if required. But I hate the editor on blogger.

Blogging does help me a lot on a personal level. So I’m not gonna stop bloggin..not yet. I will continue to blog: on-line or off-line is the question. I don’t know what to do. I’m confused!

I’m blogging about whether to blog or not. Can’t get crazier than this!



2emkay said...


I know how you feel. But you know blogging is my way of letting my feelings come out. My intention is not to hurt anyone and I avoid all overly incriminious information, But yes keeping it public is important.

Then again you can go private but you wont be able to publicize your blog!!!